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세상의 모든 영어 문장을 모으세요.

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Your English Partner

문장자세히 보기 영어문장 수집 통계 분석 앱

인터넷의 영어 문장들을 수집하세요. 수십만 수백만개의 영어 문장을 안드로이드 폰에서 쉽게 수집할 수 있습니다.

수집한 영어 문장들의 각종 통계를 하나씩 보다보면 영어에 대한 많은 정보를 확인 할 수 있습니다.

한 단어 다음에 이어지는 단어들은 어떠한 단어가 있는지,

그 단어는 어떤 품사이고 다음에 이어지는 단어들은 어떤 품사들이 오는지,

영어 문장의 구조를 분석하여 시각화한 차트로 쉽게 영어 문장의 구조를 이해할 수 있습니다. 플레이 스토어로 가기

구글 플레이 스토어로 가기

짧은 영어 표현
인터넷의 영어 문장을 수집하여 나만의 영어 분석 툴을 만드세요.

35만개 예문에서 가장 많이 쓰인 단어 순위 the and of to in a for is are on with be at as this you will students by it or from an we that i their not was can your our have has they research also university these but he about all if program other who which how may one his more what new its been information student faculty time through when than some my there were many year each do work into should would she course any them two well years such must programs community people first out college campus available world here during her courses school academic us study between education after had where those so up make over both social only no center health help brown members while including take most now part experience history way important could see life development then public science different within provide staff even policy get provides class just process department before opportunities find office does system project degree me group major support international issues political questions number own because resources used graduate very events law please current three data use using business working being however like studies field learn state services areas since page every application did financial offers among human high several service same day global skills made required place often activities united care knowledge across economic area great opportunity under best form career member around projects another site professor role addition interest government professional systems book groups team much institute art website states based good summer teaching variety local semester problems materials ways medical possible undergraduate last might next still include training access others need order specific full small few able technology children today analysis online given am without large researchers whether environment special develop level alumni interests american interested language why list classes women family event personal national applications learning includes requirements home additional currently click change want free computer throughout create design various theory country explore designed recent award hours columbia week management schools contact second countries understanding institutions organizations space open individual culture four range case making cultural meet end particular apply educational policies practice go found early fall least library visit him always collection ideas know results engineering receive complete critical job problem changes topics environmental energy york things power give until example growth leadership society quality individuals industry too scientists impact arts become together understand below future general water strong credit past goal private taken days approach organization leaders performance significant methods period related needs legal developing city clinical paper scientific goals going aid check upon diverse efforts said unique especially appropriate already media providing provided looking never published five model common located music experiences series better tools friends america fields rather federal read something really final washington sure annual point higher although market natural key scholars communities involved mit success basis modern challenges come person sciences president times building necessary basic plan companies material mission books century wide long against focus offered percent beyond position scholarship toward cases vanderbilt food curriculum nature effective ability keep literature far discuss join abroad active departments participants makes historical committee web improve question due responsible doing levels continue successful room china chapter rights master benefits senior directly having primary complex taking models think options search recently discussion climate real name writing ensure families boston fact held forms submit funding email themselves company techniques prior director began back meeting became considered came practices costs body received build philosophy thus participate terms population value classroom physical action economy allows nation network content evidence news association control cost requires behavior bring conference decision issue security date done later california politics completed account along known written lot section sources developed images sense attention leading lives conditions links parents certain attend board lab facilities broad young gift says highly down again funds hall admission software per months off south took patients spring particularly consider term structure offer dean risk disease intellectual effort foundation harvard universities activity traditional north region main processes short original multiple review idea similar communication age commitment awards applicants production disciplines difficult careers result effects likely aspects museum relevant graduates works medicine thesis weeks pursue right needed collections focuses studying established housing innovative look awarded papers employees central yet context relationship creative minor story assistance expected diversity once view single six tax biology almost digital positions penn greater report decisions institution independent serve advisor details created usc via set subject english kind sites hope whose response east majors strategies million resource living regarding journal interdisciplinary technologies share potential comprehensive grant address though nearly third text treatment council little soon foreign users eligible outside itself top source following money image ask articles contemporary assist further status encouraged degrees selected old laboratory religious cells identify planning growing september generally phd men welcome collaboration plans advanced takes approaches teachers progress follow determine worked creating employment serves shall san begin responsibility link expertise amount rates choose seen instead matter less video everyone ever lead essential factors entire child purpose credits outstanding innovation internship means getting procedures associated simply contributions say useful africa importance game chicago urban therefore mathematics allow forward big according usually income went clear residents topic hard april let documents technical solutions prepare equipment coming cell candidates film served rate session items schedule enhance princeton pages finally types administration request appointment choice pay hand economics participation brain perspective investment record regular cancer land products meetings difference background late jobs previous sometimes practical helps stories committed doctoral side war europe type helping teams scholarly largest standards principles listed presented colleges relationships words india examples above travel former concentration promote presentation august light liberal month capital regional believe easy tuition advantage records graduation exciting send registration increase larger numerous submitted competition july fundamental concepts insurance professionals positive try actually property reports location perhaps associate january theoretical contains approval chance concerns present objects focused included undergraduates reduce visiting effect scholarships june administrative values popular budget institutional professors engage start safety achieve option strategy mind typically reason official initiatives strategic line gain author limited sessions biological markets tradition chinese tell relations interview comes asia decades test write seminar animals size gives fully generation march shows wish changing ancient called function competitive challenge outcomes movement requirement workshops evaluation emphasis floor cities electronic vision recognized october parking proposal simple closely selection continues quickly direct military user increasingly teach formal club colleagues division street method discussions grants internet capacity article citizens thing advice workers experts started religion named show island construction ago applying heart previously rules authors existing rich grade tool features extensive latest findings black civil someone low differences units visual house led wanted fee long-term crisis add night guidelines trying excellence transfer forest berkeley earth programming seems poor death feedback instructor version approximately yourself partners david points seeking networks live move completion valuable step require stanford call sustainable interesting got parties reading labor core emergency increasing force deadline stay reasons publications supports gender fees justice publication accessible assessment survey sustainability trade everything fun structures detailed workshop chair full-time evolution despite numbers feel steps agencies subjects intended specifically play buildings parts proposals primarily corporate put sector giving man presentations identity excellent powerful talk database accepted assistant party highest leader enter affairs chemistry paid exam initial preparation anyone gifts away spaces congress remains tour examines built product poverty visitors uses encourage reform purposes conflict operations friday ready species distribution offices interactions architecture perspectives produce tech lower emerging examination quite requests discipline internships exchange west connections increased surface approved situation phone elements overall letter sent register whole journals maintain shown bachelor thinking engagement letters beginning psychology teacher taught minutes mathematical external december loan interviews facility places conducted either cultures centers devices holds hospital instruction literary mechanisms obtain brings recognition agreement moving otherwise serious conduct copy transition probably dissertation lecture firms joined locations actions stage patterns audience becoming rooms sports towards behind framework functions card file stern helped clearly contribute air ongoing scale advance select fellows invited path eight animal placed easily enrollment influence connect close domestic texts guidance instructions consult languages honor supported fellowship seven violence payment speakers volume direction interaction consequences near employers moral coursework drug demand employee gave added grow begins serving immediately fund organized safe examine explain dynamic implications shared japan asked plant february reach trip european admissions rhode anything deep charge forces expand properties creation commercial latin implementation respect african middle populations turn vice choices total thank applied explores ice document seminars laws starting indeed hear effectively collaborative molecular return internal dedicated white exhibition race unless thousands note answer involves frequently adults evaluate posted residence honors coverage exploring engaged discovery introduction prospective google daily diego sign november files finding helpful ground circumstances avoid pursuing format strongly improving ten plants ones governments array democratic presence covered guide debate humans spent court seeks broader establish respond season else loans roles fellowships genetic produced experimental regulations unit separate act title experiments fill democracy libraries assignments supporting sexual changed officers head firm rest whom campaign participating becomes allowed nor responsibilities calendar initiative failure download diseases born healthy widely comments solution enjoy candidate moment saw recommendations humanities memory enough manage membership leave businesses thought chosen kinds majority loss track conferences alone admitted americans games concept officials matters interactive speak solve reality sample task code component orientation risks regions views map love statistical artist settings computers presents authority funded connection ultimately infrastructure theories efficient nothing communications conversation conservation successfully executive western bringing decade environments left beautiful happy consideration gallery dynamics spend carbon pomona host fellow normal goes union continuing remember actively physics scores founded hands-on dance setting measures focusing processing cover depending weekend truly governance color finance kansas machine photos relatively strength joining extent readers press freedom providence assigned statement protect computational eventually passion native mobile reference exposure determined enable largely longer appointed permission style ethical hold appears transportation volunteers certificate lines attending statistics discussed proud scheduled regularly substantial base england running partner ocean traditions storage entry oral advisors remain george concern benefit accept expenses depth patient math crucial welfare atmosphere delivery academy oil aware enrolled perform donors consists hour affect spending ranging prepared insights completing receiving writers agency tests achievement appointments aims rapidly grades industrial joint table demonstrate balance awareness quarter dates standard extremely description novel suggests price marketing argument carefully analyze learned chapters overview mentor additionally brief significantly offering responses technological departmental automatically device panel actual half massachusetts wake earned picture print permanent watch normally contribution managers obama components introduce facebook proposed partnership seek prevent preparing stop samples rare instructors combination blood knew vital smith updates lessons feature moreover park mental rigorous ethics monday rise industries catalog scope societies expect lack expectations expression names answers message leads weekly face exploration landscape videos essays developments certainly healthcare flow integration facilitate familiar graduated smaller older debt manner era philosophical meaningful criteria officer happens evening sea trends myself annually greatest computing morning flexible involving green implement assess chemical efficiency mean situations volunteer covers french saturday followed alternative regardless rising encourages consultation directors availability priority nations communicate defense onto vast character youth advances notes editor reviewed represents rule box died himself copies considering objectives exceptional immediate elected algorithms tasks expert prices courts poetry involvement facing engineers managing seniors proper moved committees gas investigation supply portfolio represent piece minimum describe earn lost identified felt looks clients james sections completely campuses average mentors organizational hundreds behavioral empirical recognize weather described inquiry concerning texas films pressure teaches virtual foster offerings investigate connected spirit raise rural challenging fiscal allowing huge brought backgrounds save taxes historic keeping studio speech drugs outreach surrounding accounts phase equal wife quantitative partnerships photographs entering voice election investigators excited deadlines appear browser submission classical word cooperation readings protection postdoctoral father intensive philadelphia physicians drawn fourth reflect county studied decided archives representatives tours collective describes condition informed modeling exactly ahead claims conducting mother run inform suggestions pennsylvania electrical billion seeing possibility friend complexity front invite pieces aspect secondary prize residential peers cause generate meaning consistent informal peace regulation directions first-year wonderful formation robert deal continued expansion london wants retirement screen forum unable testing edge persons platform boundaries promoting showed themes counseling portion reviews exams recommendation instance fulfill players maintaining distance senate ceremony wrong instruments indian suggest periods prepares movements define typical wealth biomedical structural semesters sequence standing arrangements junior object collected actors entirely deeply paul contract sufficient car thanks graduating amazing interpretation defined perfect reforms criminal nuclear inside distributed effectiveness strengths detail classrooms intelligence contrast length introduced opinion meets enroll willing insight artistic stress met generations password playing grew manager recipients maintains contexts devoted rapid nine france estate comparative israel town educators practitioners marine pacific bad accurate payments decide internationally server distinguished addressed vehicle ethnic addressing principle depends networking post combined reasonable talking characteristics commencement musical personnel succeed threat mostly journey kids incoming transcript compared documentation sponsored miles civic won laboratories analyses newly mail relative greatly creativity emissions administrators designated monthly hands goods solid linked trips happen cash magazine seem subsequent carry granted damage talks wrote customers recognizes negative cognitive deliver vibrant window trial dining representation gap truth discover mellon break dialogue upcoming maps expanding solar performed prevention limits mechanism hopkins enables exists impacts arguments imaging elsewhere disorders significance researcher assets resulting attended generous categories tend performing privacy remaining globe translation gone factor charged theme blog creates lectures figures korea organize identifying guests smithsonian halls desire whatever flexibility resolution confidence fire dornsife economies reputation woman freshman existence integrated innovations profession sunday sales intervention analytical disabilities winter filled distinct clubs wpi museums discusses leaving german returning trees recommended originally category recovery labs providers couple wednesday causes protein carleton journalism websites absence regulatory eyes directed nationally theatre except grown occurs raised immigration returned descriptions designing reducing applicant noted observations logic refer agenda worldwide thursday relation lots scientist organisms performances notice extraordinary educate transcripts discoveries submitting revolution beliefs stability entrepreneurs display concerned menu employer feet operation fish earlier occur item productive tuesday ideal possibilities iraq crime obtained sociology imagine breadth representative photo minority interact theater maybe package traveling cycle element pain pleased capabilities investments interventions outcome exhibitions door tenure receives player francisco legacy vary birth bank explains necessarily input centuries grinnell hosted eligibility soil tips afghanistan yes legislation ourselves investors commonly racial achievements sound principal eye navigate peer listing drawing foundations plays exhibit accomplishments customer producing road applies nursing essay purchase son showing examining reduction e-mail nonprofit desk memorial functional river integrate exercise television painting academics strengthen shape pick spectrum brazil valid sets scholar disciplinary applicable assignment seemed sort sex composition multidisciplinary debates secure elections in-depth homes weight score hearing reserve begun pass titles quick police enterprise reflects compliance thomas charges neighborhood therapy agricultural figure pattern bay remarkable released correct measure qualified transform error incentives upper pictures analyzing asking tickets technique supportive collaborations broadly improvement behalf planet gains chose salary passed writer gene runs guest spanish fewer placement temperature domain inequality commission implemented considerable planned lunch speaker massive italian maintenance church dartmouth equally none directory thoughts collaborate belief lamont priorities ages wait furthermore consumer advising employed millions turned maintained improved eastern gets impossible acquire station messages trained achieved female experiment regime understood fine corporation afternoon reported closed promotes dinner southern vehicles classmates motion objective aimed facts unlike celebrate determining coordinator audiences exist electives profile announced count edition extend button talent happening fresh entrepreneurship fair recommend update favorite removed extra prominent athletic canada waste real-world traffic anniversary browse played touch conflicts tissue photography expanded putting conversations sharing equity physician timely endowment ensuring well-being skill wall doctors bodies permitted reader operating dollars formed told reasoning demands argues johns welcomes sectors 21st anthropology childhood unfortunately girls hopes printed shanghai potentially corporations collect presidential talented improvements opened faith archive aim draw phenomena initially parent databases represented walking manuscripts delivered charles easier introductory representing shaped neighborhoods evolutionary random searching robust hundred promise target integral archaeological integrity reception claim state-of-the-art advisory concentrations dealing appreciation judicial similarly submissions fisk preliminary holding boards interface winners british disability minors citizenship microsoft donor waves emphasizes district transformation famous bit doors nsf lived generated genes origin notified lawyers patent elective assumptions algorithm relating consumers academia duties volumes abilities heard updated ecology careful issued supervisor managed agents seattle neuroscience hot capable highlight tree mass simulation prove remote statements fear accounting recipient appeared farm mechanical procedure resident surgery agreements properly consumption lists treat abstract proteins treatments prestigious schedules implementing world-class trust commitments johnson spatial simultaneously follows inspired conceptual definition attendance reduced mainly involve rock advancing release difficulty regard tables dual amounts visible lifetime comfortable perception satisfy resume productivity exposed large-scale preferences judges everyday paths participated stars obvious psychological knows transactions possibly severe mutual mary maryland passionate dream heritage carried opening solving molecules advocacy radio speed believes unemployment achieving heavily underlying addresses paying bill manuscript seriously bottom constitutional speaking wind notion lies distinctive signs developmental discourse fiction argue enormous banks compensation combines contracts criticism newsletter busy lesson italy accommodate preservation stable housed finds scene disaster provider recruitment intersection happened constantly hospitals constraints bus requested cambridge affected draws pretty collecting choosing virtually explanation tomorrow oldest buy adviser kept threats conjunction bar experienced wider independence reflection contain ecological agriculture farmers sides listen red publishes attempt viewed exercises conclusion develops supplies machines specialized paris festival avenue poster short-term methodology illness reporting twenty temporary celebration dramatic publish exception low-income houses limit twice promotion conventional knowing remove featuring supervision clinic importantly enforcement contacts covering enjoys chronic adult behaviors alcohol extension wsu trials heat hosts merely valley versions daughter glass turns fuel donations decline emotional marriage adding honored surveys stock presenting limitations identification medicare sensitive garden architectural acceptable registered richard clark cross universe references opinions establishing reaching driving preserve immigrants looked virus systematic sophisticated peter realize arrived organic presidents warren shift accomplish compete 20th highlights waiting sun anywhere stronger notification license ultimate bacteria birds telephone dependent missing instrument biggest accuracy worth paintings resistance double undertake twitter dark cellular football spain emphasize specialization attract narrative revenue demonstrated increases arrange treated affiliated evaluating convenient medieval installation non-profit influential linear voters historians grateful consent makers heavy entertainment lifelong arrival illinois engaging stages partial entrance expensive metropolitan elementary handle accommodations consultant ecosystems considers accepting acquisition launched electricity attitudes cars unusual comparison roots entrepreneurial specified plus pool discovered acceptance observe introduces client consistently whenever

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